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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535339


Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal validar el Voice Handicap Index (VHI) y su versión abreviada (VHI-10) adaptados al español rioplatense de Argentina, con objetivos específicos centrados en evaluar su fiabilidad y validez. Metodología: La adaptación cultural incluyó técnicas de traducción directa, síntesis y retrotraducción, evaluación de la equivalencia semántica y aplicación a un grupo piloto. Para la validación se evaluó la fiabilidad de ambos índices adaptados mediante la consistencia interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach) y la estabilidad test-retest (prueba de Bland-Altman, CCI y r de Spearman). Además, se examinó la validez de criterio y de constructo. 213 sujetos participaron en la validación del índice adaptado de 30 ítems (123 disfónicos; 90 de control); 113, en la del índice abreviado (63 disfónicos; 50 de control). Resultados: Se constituyó el Índice de Desventaja Vocal (IDV) como la versión adaptada del VHI al español rioplatense de Argentina. Ambos índices demostraron excelente consistencia interna (IDV-30 α = 0,96; IDV-10 α = 0,92) y estabilidad y concordancia (IDV-30 CCI = 0,95; IDV-10 CCI = 0,96). Se halló alta correlación entre los puntajes de ambos índices y la autoevaluación de la severidad de la disfonía de los participantes (r = 0,85). Ambos índices demostraron capacidad de diferenciar entre individuos con disfonía y sujetos sanos (p< 0,001). El análisis factorial reveló tres factores para el IDV-30 y un factor para el IDV-10. Conclusiones: El IDV-30 e IDV-10 presentan grados adecuados de fiabilidad y validez. Ambos pueden ser incluidos en protocolos de valoración de la función vocal por profesionales de Argentina.

Aim: This study aimed to validate the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and its abbreviated version (VHI-10) adapted into Rioplatense Spanish from Argentina, with specific goals centered on assessing their reliability and validity. Methods: Cultural adaptation involved direct translation, synthesis and back-translation techniques, followed by an assessment of semantic equivalence and application to a pilot group. For the validation process, the reliability of both adapted indices was assessed through measures of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) and test-retest stability (Bland-Altman test, ICC and Spearman's correlation coefficient). Additionally, we conducted analyses to asses criterion and construct validity. 213 subjects participated in the validation of the adapted 30-items index, (123 with dysphonia; 90 from control group); 113, in the abbreviated version (63 with dysphonia; 50 from control group). Results: The "Índice de Desventaja Vocal" (IDV) was established as the adapted version of the VHI into Rioplatense Spanish from Argentina. Both indeces exhibited excellent internal consistency (IDV-30 α = 0,96; IDV-10 α = 0,92) and satisfactory stability and agreement (IDV-30 CCI = 0,95; IDV-10 CCI = 0,96). Regarding validity, a strong correlation was observed between the scores of both indeces and the participant's self-assessment of dysphonia degree (r = 0,85). Both indices effectively differentiated between individuals with dysphonia and healthy subjects (p< 0,001). Factor analysis revealed three factors for the IDV-30 and one factor for the IDV-10. Conclusion: The IDV-30 and IDV-10 demonstrate satisfactory levels of reliability and validity. Both indices can be incorporated into the assessment protocols for evaluating the vocal function by professionals in Argentina.

Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 58(2): 1-16, abril-junio 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232117


La intervención motora temprana es esencial en niños con parálisis cerebral; sin embargo, se desconoce su efectividad entre los 3 y los 5años. El objetivo fue determinar la efectividad de la intervención motora temprana en el desarrollo motor de dicha población. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura acerca de intervenciones motoras tempranas realizada en diferentes bases de datos como Pubmed/Medline, PEDro, OTSeeker, Embase y LILACS. Finalmente se seleccionaron 18 artículos, de los cuales 4 presentaron cambios a favor del grupo experimental en los desenlaces desarrollo motor global y función motora manual, con la terapia de integración sensorial y la terapia de movimiento inducido por restricción, respectivamente; no obstante, los resultados no fueron estadísticamente significativos y el nivel de evidencia fue bajo. La intervención motora temprana podría incluirse con precaución para la mejoría del desarrollo motor global y la función manual. Es necesario realizar estudios de mayor calidad metodológica. (AU)

Early motor intervention is essential in children with cerebral palsy; however, it is unknown its effectiveness between 3 to 5years. The objective was to determinate the effectiveness of early motor intervention in the motor development of this population. A systematic literature search was performed in Pubmed/Medline, PEDro, OTSeeker, Embase, and LILACS. Finally, 18 articles were selected, of which 4 showed favorable changes in the experimental group in the outcomes of overall motor development and manual motor function, with sensory integration therapy and movement-induced restriction therapy, respectively; however, the results were not statistically significant, and the level of evidence was low. Early motor intervention could be cautiously considered for improving overall motor development and manual function. Higher-quality methodological studies are necessary. (AU)

Humanos , Paralisia Cerebral , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Destreza Motora , Reabilitação
Neurología (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 39(4): 372-382, May. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-VR-496


Introducción: Actualmente la conmoción cerebral se considera un problema de gran magnitud, siendo los adolescentes y jóvenes la población de riesgo, ya que se encuentran en proceso de maduración. Nuestro objetivo ha sido comparar la eficacia de diferentes intervenciones (ejercicio físico terapéutico, terapia vestibular y descanso) en adolescentes y jóvenes con conmoción cerebral.Desarrollo: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos. Una vez aplicados los criterios de inclusión/exclusión y la escala metodológica Physiotherapy Evidence Database PEDro, fueron revisados seis artículos. Los resultados apoyan la utilización del ejercicio y la terapia vestibular en las etapas iniciales para disminuir los síntomas posconmoción. Según la mayoría de los autores, el ejercicio físico terapéutico y la terapia vestibular reportan mayores beneficios, aunque se necesitaría un protocolo que unificara escalas de valoración, variables de estudio y parámetros de análisis para poder realizar la inferencia en la población diana.Conclusión: Desde el momento del alta hospitalaria del paciente, la aplicación combinada de ejercicio físico y terapia vestibular, podría considerarse como la mejor opción para disminuir los síntomas posconmoción.(AU)

Introduction: Currently, concussion considers a problem of great magnitude, adolescents and young people being the population at risk, since it is in the process of maturation. Our goal has been to compare the effectiveness of different interventions (exercise therapy, vestibular rehabilitation and rest) in adolescents and young people with concussion. Development: A bibliographic search was carried out in the main databases. Once the inclusion / exclusion criteria and the PEDro methodological scale were applied, 6 articles were reviewed. The results support the use of exercise and vestibular rehabilitation in the initial stages to reduce post-concussion symptoms. According to most authors, therapeutic physical exercise and vestibular rehabilitation report greater benefits, although a protocol that unifies assessment scales, study variables and analysis parameters would be needed to be able to make the inference in the target population. Conclusión: From the moment of hospital discharge, the combined application of exercise and vestibular rehabilitation could be the best option to reduce post-concussion symptoms.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Síndrome Pós-Concussão , Exercício Físico , Concussão Encefálica , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas , Neurologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso
Can J Pain ; 8(2): 2318706, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616950


Background: Healthcare access for chronic low back pain is complex and should consider not only the health system, but patient care seeking experiences as well. People who live in rural and remote communities and/or identify as being Indigenous may often encounter additional barriers to accessing care for chronic low back pain; thus, these contexts must be considered to fully understand barriers and facilitators. Aims: The aim of this study was to understand care-seeking experiences of people living with chronic back pain in Saskatchewan and determine unique experiences facing urban, rural, remote, and/or Indigenous peoples. Methods: Thirty-three participants with chronic low back pain completed a preliminary survey followed by individual semistructured interviews. Participants were categorized as urban, rural, or remote including Indigenous status. A qualitative interpretive research approach with inductive thematic analysis was employed. Results: Three overarching themes were identified with the following subthemes: (1) healthcare access challenges: challenges to accessing care, challenges within the health system, and challenges leading to self-directed management/coping strategies; (2) healthcare access facilitators: funded care, participant education and knowledge, patient-provider communication, and care closer to home; and (3) participant recommendations for improved care provision: coordination of care, integrative and holistic care, and patient-centered care and support. Rural and remote participants highlighted travel as a main barrier. Indigenous participant experiences emphasized communication with healthcare providers and past experiences influencing desire to access care. Conclusion: Participants identified a range of challenges and facilitators as well as recommendations for improving access to care for chronic low back pain, with unique barriers for rural, remote, and Indigenous participants.

Contexte: L'accès aux soins de santé pour la lombalgie chronique est complexe et devrait tenir compte non seulement du système de santé, mais aussi des expériences de recherche de soins des patients. Les personnes vivant dans des communautés rurales et éloignées et/ou qui s'identifient comme autochtones font souvent face à des obstacles supplémentaires pour accéder aux soins pour la lombalgie chronique; il faut donc tenir compte de ces contextes pour bien comprendre les obstacles et les facilitateurs.Objectifs: L'objectif de cette étude était de comprendre les expériences de recherche de soins des personnes vivant avec une lombalgie chronique en Saskatchewan et de déterminer les expériences uniques d'accès aux soins auxquelles sont confrontées les personnes vivant en milieu urbain, rural, éloigné et/ou ayant un statut d'autochtone.Méthodes: Trente-trois participants souffrant de lombalgie chronique ont répondu à un questionnaire préliminaire suivi d'entretiens individuels semi-structurés. Les participants ont été catégorisés comme vivant en milieu urbain, rural, éloigné, incluant ceux ayant un statut d'autochtone. Une approche de recherche qualitative interprétative avec une analyse thématique inductive a été utilisée.Résultats: Trois thèmes principaux ont été répertoriés avec les sous-thèmes suivants : (1) difficultés d'accès aux soins de santé : difficultés pour accéder aux soins, difficultés au sein du système de santé et difficultés conduisant à des stratégies de gestion et d'adaptation autonomes; (2) facilitateurs de l'accès aux soins de santé : financement des soins, éducation et connaissances des participants, communication entre le patient et le prestataire de soins et proximité des soins par rapport au domicile et (3) recommandations des participants pour l'amélioration de la prestation des soins : la coordination des soins, les soins intégrés et holistiques, les soins et le soutien centrés sur le patient. Les participants des régions rurales et éloignées ont souligné que les déplacements constituaient un obstacle majeur. Les expériences des participants autochtones ont mis l'accent sur la communication avec les prestataires de soins de santé et les expériences passées qui influencent le désir d'accéder aux soins.Conclusion: Les participants ont répertorié un ensemble de difficultés, de facilitateurs et de recommandations pour améliorer l'accès aux soins pour les lombalgies chroniques, qui présente des obstacles uniques pour les participants vivant en milieu rural et éloigné et les participants autochtones.

World J Psychiatry ; 14(3): 434-444, 2024 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617986


BACKGROUND: Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage (HCH), the most common chronic diseases, has become a topic of global public health discussions. AIM: To investigate the role of rehabilitative nursing interventions in optimizing the postoperative mental status recovery phase and to provide clinical value for future rehabilitation of patients with HCH. METHODS: This randomized controlled study included 120 patients with cerebral HCH who were contained to our neurosurgery department between May 2021-May 2023 as the participants. The participants have randomly sampled and grouped into the observation and control groups. The observation group received the rehabilitation nursing model, whereas the control group have given conventional nursing. The conscious state of the patients was assessed at 7, 14, 21, and 30 d postoperatively. After one month of care, sleep quality, anxiety, and depression were compared between the two groups. Patient and family satisfaction were assessed using a nursing care model. RESULTS: The results showed that the state of consciousness scores of the patients in both groups significantly increased (P < 0.05) after surgical treatment. From the 14th day onwards, differences in the state of consciousness scores between the two groups of patients began to appear (P < 0.05). After one month of care, the sleep quality, anxiety state, and depression state of patients were significantly better in the observation group than in the control group (P < 0.05). Satisfaction with nursing care was higher in the observation group than in the control group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The rehabilitation nursing model has a more complete system compared to conventional nursing, which can effectively improve the postoperative quality of life of patients with cerebral hemorrhage and improve the efficiency of mental state recovery; however, further analysis and research are needed to provide more scientific evidence.

Ann Glob Health ; 90(1): 28, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618275


People with visual impairment face significant material challenges to access and inclusion in South Africa. These are in large part rooted in and supported by prejudiced assumptions about the needs, nature and capabilities of this group. The cultural and psychological face of oppression needs to be attended to. To this end, this viewpoint brings together the work of three visually impaired scholars in three key areas pertaining to the promotion of the inclusion and citizenship of visually impaired persons in South Africa. These areas are education; rehabilitation; and social inclusion and visibility. This work argues that undoing lifelong exclusion requires examining how disablism is embedded in the very fabric of our societies and operational at various levels: material, administrative, cultural and relational.

Cidadania , Preconceito , Humanos , África do Sul , Escolaridade , Transtornos da Visão
Cureus ; 16(3): e56116, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618343


Swallowing disorders resulting from pseudobulbar palsy are characterized by deficiencies in the oral preparatory and oral stages of the swallowing process. In certain cases, obstruction can occur when the tongue base comes into contact with the palate, impeding the intraoral bolus flow into the pharyngeal cavity. In this report, we discuss a case of severe pseudobulbar palsy, in which an intraoral bolus flowed into the pharyngeal cavity with pinching the nose. A 78-year-old man with a history of recurrent cerebral infarction was evaluated. The patient had severe dysphagia and cognitive impairment due to pseudobulbar palsy. A videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing (VF) was conducted while the patient was in a reclined position. In the oral cavity, when the bolus reached the posterior tongue section, the flow was hindered by the functional obstruction caused by the tongue base pressing against the palate. Despite the clinician's instructions to swallow, the patient was unable to comply due to the severity of his cognitive impairment. To alleviate this obstruction, the clinician pinched the patient's nose. This action opened the fauces, facilitating breathing and relieving the functional obstruction. Subsequently, the bolus flowed into the pharyngeal cavity and successfully flowed into the esophagus while swallowing. This maneuver was named the "pinching nose maneuver" (PNM). The PNM, as described here, can serve as a technique to improve the movement of an intraoral bolus into the pharyngeal cavity in patients with cognitive dysfunction.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56221, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618374


This case study examines the rehabilitation strategy for a 51-year-old farmer with primary neoplasm of the central nervous system (CNS)-related hemiparesis, balance issues, and cognitive impairment. Primary neoplasm of the CNS is a rare type of cancer that affects the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the CNS. Hemiparesis, which is weakness on one side of the body, is a common symptom of primary neoplasm of the CNS. The tumour can cause inflammation and swelling in the brain, which can further contribute to weakness. Symptoms include headaches, confusion, seizures, and changes in vision or speech. The patient underwent surgical excision, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy but faced challenges in physiotherapy. The patient's initial assessment revealed asymmetries and impairments on the right side, including muscle weakness, flexor synergy, trunk imbalance, gait abnormalities, and cognitive impairment. A tailored physiotherapy protocol was implemented, focusing on improving muscle strength, synergy patterns, balance, gait, motor control, speech, and cognitive function. Innovative robotic gloves technology was incorporated to enhance hand functionality. This case study contributes to the growing body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation strategies, including innovative technologies, in optimising recovery for individuals with CNS lymphoma-related neurological deficits. Further research and exploration could further validate their benefits and enhance the overall rehabilitation journey for such patients.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56191, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618375


Cherubism, a rare autosomal dominant disorder, presents with symmetrical, painless jaw extension due to fibrous tissue ossification, often referred to as hereditary fibrous dysplasia of the jaw. It typically manifests with progressive mandibular and maxillary swelling from childhood to adolescence, with exacerbation over time. A 20-year-old male presented with facial and jaw swelling, causing restricted jaw movements. Computed tomography confirmed the cherubism diagnosis. Subsequently, the patient underwent oral surgery for bone shaving and shaping. Post-surgery, a five-week physiotherapy regimen was initiated, emphasizing joint mobility preservation through active range-of-motion exercises and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation for facial expression and dyspnea alleviation. Following physiotherapy, significant improvements were observed, including enhanced respiratory function, increased cervical muscle strength, improved respiratory clearance, and reduced anxiety and depression levels. This case highlights the importance of physiotherapy in cherubism rehabilitation, a novel approach deserving further exploration.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56057, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618382


Uterine prolapse is a manifestation of pelvic organ prolapse distinguished by the descent of the uterus from its normal anatomical position into the vaginal canal. Vaginal hysterectomy is a surgical intervention performed to excise the uterus via the vaginal canal. Hysterectomy is correlated with various complications; thus, prompt mobilization and engagement in physiotherapy are imperative postoperatively. This is a case report of a 78-year-old female who reported a persistent sensation of something protruding from her vagina over the past two years. Investigations revealed a third-degree uterocervical descent, leading to the decision for a vaginal hysterectomy. Commencing on Day 5 post-surgery, early mobilization and a comprehensive physiotherapeutic regimen were implemented, encompassing breathing exercises, upper limb mobility exercises, core strengthening routines, pelvic floor exercises, and postural correction. Evaluation using the Modified Oxford Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction Scale, Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire (PFIQ), and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO-QOL) demonstrated notable improvement. The findings suggest that promoting early mobilization and facilitating the rehabilitation of pelvic musculature, along with core strengthening through physiotherapy, plays a pivotal role in expediting recovery and enhancing the overall quality of life for hysterectomy patients, potentially alleviating difficulties in performing daily activities.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56189, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618391


The most severe form of spastic cerebral palsy (CP), which affects the arms and legs and often the face, is known as spastic quadriplegia. In addition to other developmental disabilities such as intellectual disability and seizures, it can cause difficulty in walking. Children with CP often have seizures as a result of brain injury, and spastic quadriplegic CP is typically associated with global developmental delay. For the purpose of addressing the unique motor and functional challenges associated with spastic quadriplegia, neurophysiotherapy is essential. This treatment includes neurodevelopmental techniques, posture and balance training, and activities aimed at improving gait. The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate how early and continuous physical therapy interventions can maximize a child's functional abilities and prevent further complications. In this instance, a five-year-old boy with a documented history of spastic quadriplegia, seizure disorder, and global developmental delay reported experiencing challenges with sitting, walking, and speech. He had three episodes of fever, which led to his hospital admission. The child's medical history included acute hemorrhagic encephalitis, mild hydroureteronephrosis on the left side, and persistent convulsions that affected only one side of the body. Bilateral thalamic altered signal intensities were observed in the brain's MRI, and multiple calcifications were detected in the periventricular cortex, thalamus, and basal ganglia on the brain's CT scan. To enhance the independence, strength, and coordination of voluntary movement in individuals with CP, a variety of techniques are used in addition to physical therapy, such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, aquatic therapy, constraint-induced movement therapy, functional electrical stimulation, orthotic devices, injections of botulinum toxin, and hippotherapy.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56054, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618408


This case report documents the comprehensive management of a 21-year-old female resident of Gadchiroli presenting with a 10-day history of fever, altered consciousness, and neurological sequelae following a traumatic incident. The patient exhibited a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 6/15, hypotonia in both upper and lower limbs, diminished deep tendon reflexes, and respiratory complications. This case study describes a thorough physiotherapeutic strategy that focuses on tone facilitation and muscle weakness improvement. The intervention used Rood's facilitative approaches as well as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Rood's treatments, which emphasized mobilizing touch and tactile stimulation, brushing, quick icing, quick stretching, tapping, massaging the skin, heavy joint compression, and rolling, were used deliberately to move the patient from flaccidity to better muscle tone. These techniques' repetitive and task-specific nature coincided with motor learning principles, enabling adaptive modifications in brain networks. Concurrently, NMES was used to improve muscle activation, create a controlled environment for neurorehabilitation, and promote strength increases. The successful integration of various modalities highlights the possibility of favorable neuronal adaptations and functional improvements in individuals suffering from complicated neuromuscular disorders. This case demonstrates the need for individualized and diversified physiotherapeutic techniques in improving rehabilitation outcomes.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56085, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618423


The present case report investigates the effectiveness of a progressive physiotherapy rehabilitation program in aiding the recovery of a patient who underwent biceps tenodesis. It is a surgical procedure involving the reattachment or relocation of the biceps tendon to alleviate pain and enhance function in conditions, like tendinitis or tears. The rehabilitation program is specifically tailored to address the distinct challenges associated with biceps tenodesis recovery, focusing on gradual exercises aimed at improving strength, range of motion (ROM), and functional capacity. Through a comprehensive analysis, this case report seeks to offer insights into the potential advantages and obstacles of employing a specialized physiotherapy approach in the holistic care of individuals undergoing biceps tenodesis, contributing to the ongoing development of postoperative rehabilitation strategies.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56060, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618447


Background Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an integral part of non-pharmacological therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Yoga therapy (YT) has been shown to be beneficial in COPD, but the lack of large well-designed trials and standardized modules restricts its acceptability. This randomized control trial compares these two modalities in COPD patients via supervised tele-intervention. Objectives The primary objective of the study is to compare a 45-minute, five-days-per-week series of tele-YT (T-YT) with tele-PR (T-PR) for three months in terms of exercise capacity (6-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD)) in COPD patients. Methods COPD patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to T-YT or T-PR groups in a parallel-arm single-blinded controlled trial. The primary outcome is 6MWD recorded at baseline and after three months and secondary outcomes were symptom scores, Forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), health-related quality of life (HrQoL), and depression and anxiety scores. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at the end of the three-month study period with a sample size of 75 in each group. Results A total of 150 consecutive patients with COPD were randomly assigned to either the T-YT (n = 75) or T-PR (n = 75) group. Their mean ± SD ages was 62.5 ± 7.0 years. The T-YT group had 55.5% males and 34.47% females, whereas the T-PR group had 44.5% males and 61.53% females. The trial was completed by 123 patients; 88% in the T-YT group and 76% in the T-PR group. Pre-intervention, the median (range) of 6MWD in T-YT and T-PR groups was 240 (120-600) m and 240 (120-660) m, respectively. There was statistically significant improvement in both groups respectively (p<0.001) post intervention from baseline but no significant intergroup difference (p = 0.486). A similar trend was seen in secondary outcomes with significant intragroup improvements and non-significant inter-group differences except FEV1%, which showed neither intragroup nor intergroup significant improvement. Conclusion Using a validated module, a three-month T-YT improves exercise capacity, symptom scores, HrQoL, and depression and anxiety scores similar to T-PR. T-YT is an acceptable alternative to T-PR in the management of COPD.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56201, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618459


Distal femur fractures are severe all over the world. The goal of the study was to assess the effect of physiotherapy on ROM, strength, and improving quality of life. Due to the anatomy of distal femur fracture, the Ilizarov ring fixator is useful as it helps maintain mobility and stability. Distal femur fractures are most treated surgically compared to non-surgical treatment. The use of external fixators differs according to the patient's condition and the stability of the patient. This study's objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based procedure prepared for the management of distal femur fracture and chronic osteomyelitis femur. In some cases, due to discharging sinus, the patient requires long-term treatment followed by a home physiotherapy rehabilitation program. The objective was to assess the effects of Ilizarov circular external fixators (ICEF) on distal femur fracture.

Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 28(2): e301-e306, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618606


Introduction Facial nerve stimulation (FNS) is a complication in cochlear implant (CI) when the electrical current escapes from the cochlea to the nearby facial nerve. Different management to reduce its effects are available, although changes might result in a less-than-ideal fitting for the CI user, eventually reducing speech perception. Objective To verify the etiologies that cause FNS, to identify strategies in managing FNS, and to evaluate speech recognition in patients who present FNS. Methods Retrospective study approved by the Ethical Board of the Institution. From the files of a CI group, patients who were identified with FNS either during surgery or at any time postoperatively were selected. Data collection included: CI manufacturer, electrode array type, age at implantation, etiology of hearing loss, FNS identification date, number of electrodes that generated FNS, FNS management actions, and speech recognition in quiet and in noise. Results Data were collected from 7 children and 25 adults. Etiologies that cause FNS were cochlear malformation, head trauma, meningitis, and otosclerosis; the main actions included decrease in the stimulation levels followed by the deactivation of electrodes. Average speech recognition in quiet before FNS was 86% and 80% after in patients who were able to accomplish the test. However, there was great variability, ranging from 0% in quiet to 90% of speech recognition in noise. Conclusion Etiologies that cause FNS are related to cochlear morphology alterations. Facial nerve stimulation can be solved using speech processor programming parameters; however, it is not possible to predict outcomes, since results depend on other variables.

Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 28(2): e339-e349, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618607


Introduction Dysphagia induced by radiotherapy in the head and neck region comprises a challenging scenario and sometimes difficult rehabilitation due to the severity of the adverse effects. Some resources such as electrical stimulation have emerged as an alternative to complement the therapeutic process, but there is still no consensus on its use. Objective The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, through a meta-analysis, the effect of electrical stimulation on the rehabilitation of dysphagia generated after head and neck cancer treatment. Data Synthesis Four randomized controlled trials with a total of 146 participants were included. The age of the participants was 58.37 ± 1.8 years old and there was a predominance of males. The time to start the intervention ranged from 50.96 ± 40.12 months after cancer treatment. The intervention showed great heterogeneity regarding the positioning of the electrodes, parameters, duration of the stimulus, number of sessions, and intensity. No difference was identified in the following aspects: oral transit time, hyoid elevation, penetration and/or aspiration after electrostimulation. The quality of the evidence ranged from very low to moderate and high risk of bias. Conclusion In this meta-analysis, we found weak evidence for small and moderate swallowing benefits in patients after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer in short-term clinical trials.

Artif Organs ; 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622826


BACKGROUND: Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is an evidence-based intervention that is rarely used by Canadian physical therapists (PTs) and occupational therapists (OTs). A common barrier to FES implementation is a lack of knowledge and training. FES learning resources that meet therapists' learning needs and preferences may address this barrier. OBJECTIVE: To explore OTs' and PTs' perspectives on the utility of FES e-learning resources, including whether the resources met their learning needs and preferences. METHODS: Through this qualitative descriptive study, feedback on FES e-learning resources was solicited from 5 PTs and 18 OTs who work clinically, but do not use FES. Participants reviewed ≥3 prerecorded lectures on FES topics and then completed a semi-structured interview. Participants were asked about the lectures' content, delivery, ease of use and comprehensibility, and were asked to suggest modifications to facilitate self-directed learning about FES. Interviews were analyzed using conventional content analysis. RESULTS: Three themes were identified. (1) Feedback on FES e-learning: the content and delivery of the prerecorded lectures facilitated participants' learning, although opportunities to improve content and delivery were identified. (2) Factors influencing FES learning needs and preferences: Participants identified internal (i.e., baseline knowledge, learning style) and external (i.e., learning with colleagues, practice setting) factors that affected learning. Themes 1 and 2 impacted (3) the effects of FES e-learning: Participants described the outcomes of their FES e-learning, including increases in FES knowledge, confidence, and use in clinical practice. CONCLUSION: Therapists' perceived the FES e-learning resources to be useful and to address their learning needs and preferences.

Am J Sports Med ; : 3635465241233161, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622858


BACKGROUND: Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament ACL reconstruction (ACLR) is crucial for safe return to play (RTP) and reducing the chances of a reinjury. Yet, there is no consensus on the ideal functional tests to assess rehabilitation progress in soccer players after ACLR. PURPOSE: The primary objective was to highlight the existing gap in the literature concerning the most effective standardized rehabilitation protocols and testing for facilitating successful RTP among soccer players. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. METHODS: A systematic review using PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) was conducted. Inclusion criteria encompassed original studies (level of evidence 1-4) that examined rehabilitation protocols, metrics of knee rehabilitation, and clinical outcomes after ACLR in soccer players. RESULTS: This review incorporated 23 studies, predominantly retrospective case series, with a total number of 874 soccer players who underwent ACLR and rehabiliation. 5 (21.7%) studies utilized an accelerated rehabilitation protocol, while 7 (30.4%) of studies utilized a criterion-based rehabilitation. A wide heterogeneity of data was extracted including functional tests of rehabilitation and RTP such as strength test batteries, hop test batteries, and movement quality assessments. Of the 23 selected studies, 2 (8.7%) used all 3 test batteries, 8 (34.8%) used 2 test batteries, 12 (52.2%) used 1 test battery, and 1 (4.3%) used 0 of the test batteries. The mean time between surgery and RTP ranged from 3 to 8 months with only 2 (8.7%) studies reporting complications after ACLR. Lastly, out of the total studies examined, 9 (39.1%) assessed patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), all of which demonstrated significant improvement from the initial assessment to the final follow up. CONCLUSION: Soccer-specific rehabilitation after ACLR lacks standardization. Even though many studies have assessed protocols for optimal RTP and reduced secondary ACL injuries, there is a gap in the literature regarding the most effective protocols and RTP testing. The methodology reported by Kyritsis et al could serve as a foundation for future prospective randomized multicenter studies to establish a standard rehabilitation protocol and enable a successful return to soccer.

OTJR (Thorofare N J) ; : 15394492241246544, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622903


Health services research (HSR) is a field of study that examines how social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviors affect access to health care, the quality and cost of health care, and health and well-being. HSR approaches can help build the occupational therapy evidence base, particularly in relation to population health. Data from electronic health record (EHR) systems provide a rich resource for applying HSR approaches to examine the value of occupational therapy services. Transparency about data preparation procedures is important for interpreting results. Based on our findings, we describe a six-step cleaning protocol for preparing EHR and billing data from an inpatient rehabilitation facility for research and provide recommendations for the field based on our experience. Using and reporting similar strategies across studies will improve efficiency and transparency, and facilitate comparability of results.

Using Electronic Health Record Data for Occupational Therapy Health Services ResearchHealth services research (HSR) focuses on the delivery and outcomes of health care systems. HSR methods are beneficial for examining the value of occupational therapy services, and data collected from practice through electronic health records (EHRs) are an important resource for this work. Although EHRs are now used in most health care settings, extracting and using data for research is a complex, multistep process. We describe a six-step process for preparing data extracted from an EHR for a research study. The data preparation process was iterative and required expertise about how data were recorded, institutional billing and data archiving processes, and Medicare reporting requirements during the study period. We advocate for more occupational therapy researchers to be trained in and apply HSR approaches to continue to build evidence for our services. The profession can capitalize on data that are already being collected in health care settings through EHR systems to evaluate real-world occupational therapy processes and health outcomes.
